Earth Day may only come once a year, but there are ways that you and your staff can stay environmentally active year-round. If you are ready to foster “green-spiration” among your employees, we invite you to share our Ways to Stay Engaged in Your Community guide with your team members.

End Plastic Pollution.

This is not only the theme of Earth Day 2018, but also a vital initiative in a time when protecting the Earth has never been more important. As the experts in interior landscapes, we find it important to not only promote wellbeing and sustainable practices but also to ingrain these concepts into our business model. In a field full of plastic waste, we must do our part to make plastic pollution a thing of the past.

Plastic Pollution Facts

According to an article by the BBC9.1 billion tons of non-recycled plastic has been produced since its invention in 1907. That 9.1 billion tons has generated 6.9 billion tons of plastic waste, only 9% of which has been recycled, leaving 5.5 billion tons to end up in landfills and in our environment.

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Working Toward a “Greener” Future

Without deliberate actions to correct this plastic problem, it is only going to get worse. At Ambius, we are committed to playing our part in reducing plastic waste. We are pleased that our clients are taking steps toward a greener future as well. Earlier this month, Marriott International announced a new initiative to reduce plastic waste. In place of the travel-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and soap in every bathroom, they will be installing in-shower dispensers. They anticipate that a 140-room hotel will save approximately 250 pounds of plastic each year with this new program.

Check out some of our work with Marriott:


The George Washington University has jumped with both feet into their commitment to sustainability. Their efforts have even carried over into a social media campaign with a presence on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Their Zero Waste Plan strives to “divert 40 percent of [the university’s] waste stream by 2020” by streamlining their recycling system, making it easy for students and faculty to reduce plastic waste.

For Earth Day 2018, Sustainability at GW hosted a campus-wide clean-up during which they picked up garbage from around the campus and handed out reusable water bottles! GW University also has a program, entitled the Green Office Network, that helps offices understand and improve sustainability initiatives. We are proud to be a part of their sustainability journey with the installation of green walls in their Science and Engineering complex.

Build a greener business with Ambius

Ambius is always here to help you achieve your business goals. If we can help you with interior landscapingliving green wallsholiday décor, or other office design projects, please contact us.